Medical Devices
CIRS Group
Medical Devices
C&K Testing
Carbon Neutrality

Medical Device Workshop - China Medical Devices Market Insights & Registration Path

from CIRS by
CIRS is going to hold a public workshop in Sweden together with Swecare, which is a semi-governmental organization, contributing to increased internationalization of the Swedish life science sector, i.e. promoting exports and collaborations.

The purpose of this workshop is to introduce how China is experiencing an market explosion regarding of medical devices, and to break down the registration pathway when you apply for the CFDA medical device certificate. As well as an academic discussion in terms of the solution for China elderly people's healthcare.

This meeting will be held 15~17th of Mar, 2016, at the following locations:
March 15: Malmo
March 16: Goteborg
March 17: Stockholm

Tel: +86 18867526538

Regardless of attendance at the public workshop, interested persons may contact Michael Petersen at to make a face to face discussion or talk.


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